**dress/sweater- vintage/thrifted, Lotta clogs, Modfolk necklace**
hearing-this, and sweet thunder
seeing- grey blues, blacks, the colors of the flowers on my little impromptu desk in the display window... rain and cars, winter breaking away, the occasional lightning strike
feeling- damp from the storm, slight anxiety (there's always some),
smelling- wet soil, damp concrete, sandalwood and my favorite perfume of all time.
wanting- a caramel latte and bodies in the shop, fro yo with a million toppings.. or to close up and go to the gym while listening to my current audio book(it's so so).
thinking- "Im on a roll now with the blog but how in the world will I stay dedicated enough to keep it up"
knowing- it will be what it will be, i just need to enjoy it.
you look so gorgeous! i love this look.
Amazing upside-down single-stemmed flower background, pretty lady!