Well, its been a busy week over here in WL&L land. I've been hiding away in the studio and shop, working all diligent like. The spring rain graced us for most of last week, cold and charged. Today was pretty nice, though. I had the day 'off' of shop duty and 'on' studio duty. Something really amazing happened with my cases and I've been slaving over a big project.. I'll share super soon.
Ryan has been helping out around the shop whenever he can. My current project is bigger than I have time for so i've had to 'hire' him for extra work time during the day or else i'll work all morning into the late nights. Which, usually I have no problem with BUT we've been trying to spend time together because of yet ANOTHER big surprise that is coming for him. more later (sorry).
The Ivy is BACK! we couldnt be happier with the loving green tendrils that have popped open and spring out leaves like lovely little hands over the past few weeks. They grow and splay everyday and soon the entire brick will be consumed. This is such a special thing to me. I spend a few minutes looking up at the ivy everyday. It feels like the sweetest gift from nature, encouraging my business and my dreams.. wrapping them in bits of earth.
my sweet mother has been helping out a bit too! Today she took me to lunch and we shared this amazing chocolate strawberry crepe with whipped cream! She is so good to me, I love living by her.
Easter was pretty adorable... as you can see. I dressed up like a glamatron easter egg and wore the wildest tights I could find. We went to my mom's church and ate a big brunch at her house. Two quiches and fruit salad with mimosas and peeps as snacks. I came back to the studio to work more and have been listening to this AMAZING book series. Delirium by Lauren Oliver. Has anyone read it? It kind of changed my life a little this week. I finished the last book in the trilogy this afternoon and I am on FIRE to share it with someone. If you've read it, LEAVE ME COMMENTS. oh also, dogwoods are in bloom (swoon) and miki & andrew & I had a margarita night at the studio on friday before going to see ryan's last show at VA STAGE.
Here is a snippit of my current project. LOVE YALLSZZZZ
Adore those phone cases! Will you be selling them in your shop soon?
ReplyDeleteI'm actually from Richmond and I've been wanting to come visit your shop for some time now after having been a reader of your blog for ages now :)
<3 Leney