
green queen in a...

well, it isn't really a helmet. It's an amazing hat! Flowers made of this wild plastic that is soft and amazing. I got it from a great lady who brought in all of her own clothes from the 70's. We talked about how she wore her favorite pieces and how she styled her hair. Its awesome getting to see and imagine how the clothes were worn before they found me. I was especially excited and freaked out by this hat until I put it on and felt like it was the most perfect little thing there ever was. Im debating keeping it for myself forever.. I mean why not. This dress is a simple little number from the shop, I tried it on last Spring and it was a wee bit too small but I am happy to say it fits now! I love these basic 50's numbers. They fit my lady shape really well and are super comfortable.

hat, dress, belt // vintage
clogs // swedish hasbeens


  1. Oh my goodness...I love your dress!! Such pretty pictures :)

  2. this dress looks lovely on you! and that hat is such a dream!
    Rebecca @ tr[i]b[e]cca

  3. You are just so beautiful. And that hat/helmet/flower-bombed goodie is SUCH a treasure.

  4. that is amazing! it suits you beautifully xx

    Katrina Sophia Blog
