
it might just be too warm to post blogs!

excuses excuses
actually the truth is..

im really broke. no money means no film development.. means no adventure documentation. or no printed proof till i make a little extra enough to get them developed. and its been soo hott here. i get up with the sun at 5 30 or 6 every morning because thats when the heat returns. im blaming the heat for my laziness. i have so many things to do! we're moving to cambridge at the end of the month. 5 blocks from central square with a whole foods and trader joes down the street. (thank god no more allston star market) and theres a park behind the HOUSE. its right on a bus line that passes the museum school and is really close to memorial and the river. we're real excited! besides that i have an edition of 8 books i have to make for school on monday. BAHHH and today is calebs BIRTHDAY. everyone tell happiest lion happiest birthday.

here are photos from a roll that i shot with no battery. which is why they are long and awkward. they are from the trio down to virginia and back.

we stopped at some roadside markets on our trip back to boston

and visited the strawberry festival

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