
brooklyn nights

So, I just got back from a small weekend adventure to new york. Where I currently live, theres a bus that takes you right to chinatown for 35 bucks. It leaves every night at midnight and can be wildly uncomfortable or wildly hilarious and every once in a while, it will be nice! Im happy to state that both busses there and back were nearly empty and smelled modest.. This is all I can really hope for as a cheap traveler. Upon arrival, I took 3 trains to Greenpoint where Caitlin lives and slept in later than I'd like to talk about.. followed by brunch #1 which consisted of a veggie grilled cheese and some fancy drink i dont remember. we adventured a bit that day and into the night, met up with some of her friends and saw a show! Railbird is an amazing experimental dream band that Caitlin does PR for, she is so proud to work with them and the show was seriously amazing! if you get the chance to see them.. dont hesitate!

it's refreshing to live a little wild sometimes!


  1. awesome photos! I agree - sometimes it's wholeheartedly worthwhile to spend some time being wild!

  2. This was a great post. Great pictures.

  3. loving all of this. and love me some brooklyn too.
